Search and selection

The search and selection service includes the search and presentation of the most qualified candidates on the market for a specific position. Our goal is to find employees who best match your requirements for the position you are looking for. Lugera (previously Adecco) is the leading recruitment agency on the market.

Advantages of search and selection through Lugera


Rich experience, long-term knowledge and thorough knowledge of the labor market.


A wide internal database of candidates, own network of contacts and strategies of direct access to candidates (known as headhunting).


Each search and selection project is led by our team of experienced consultants.

Let us find you the right service or employee.

Contact us.

    Company name *

    Name *

    Last name *

    Email adress *

    Mobile or phone number *


    Tell us more about your needs:

    We process your personl data in order to processed your request. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

    Looking for a job?

    Click here

    Do you need help in the search and selection process?

    Contact us
